Long Range Plan - For Parents! I follow a blog - http://gingersnapstreatsforteachers.blogspot.com/ - and she posted her long range plans this morning and I LOVED the f...
Back-To-School Presentation Last year I made an “about me” presentation that I used when introducing myself to teachers and students. The goal was to show teachers a...
Goal List to Research Template I saw a goal list on Pinterst (see first picture) and I thought it would make a good research collection template for students (what student...
Door Decorations I thought these two classroom doors were too cute not to share. This is in a school with a school wide nautical theme and the top one was fo...
The Power of Positive Thinking Activity I ran into this project walking the halls at one of the schools I go to. It was done in Leslie Larussas' fourth grade class as a creativ...