ISTE Top 10 - #9 - Kahoot Additions I am a big Kahoot and Quizizz user. I stopped by the Kahoot booth to see what was new (to me) for the coming year and I got to demo the new ...
ISTE Top 10 - #10 - ClassFlow I was very fortunate to attend ISTE (the International Society for Technology in Education) in Denver this year. Under normal circumstances ...
Google Forms - Choose Your Own Adventure - My First Attempt I just created my first Choose Your Own Adventure style story using Google Forms. As a tech coach that deals primarily with elementary sch...
End of Year Videos - Music Selections I am helping several teachers put together videos to show at end-of-year award ceremonies. I thought I would share some of my favorite music...
iPad Adaptations Project - Keynote I was working with a second grade class the other day using the Google Pages app (we used/modified the visual report template within Pages t...