Snowflake Matter Activity (and Video) Click on THIS LINK to view the student video Yesterday I worked with two groups of third graders at the end of their matter unit. The teach...
Touchcast (Green Screen) Video Entry I worked with a class of 5th graders last week making green screen videos with their TouchCast app related to Westward Expansion. The one...
Technology Newsletter - November and December 2015 Each month I work on our department's monthly tech newsletter. It gets compiled from a variety of sources...resources/ideas from other t...
Keynote - Magic Move Lesson I was working with fourth graders teaching them how to use their Keynote app prior to a big project they are going to be working on. I was l...
Persuasive/Argumentative Writing - 5th Grade The other day I taught a persuasive/argumentative writing lesson...using three fifth grade classes. I was modeling how to in...