October - Anti Bullying Month - Song This is one of my favorite videos/songs sung by 14 year old Rachel Crow. Since October is Anti-Bullying Month I thought I would share how ...
Parent/Teacher Conferences - Online Sign Ups With parent/teacher conferences coming up you can use Google Docs to manage your conference schedule. Using Google Docs will allow you to cr...
Parent Teacher Conference - Forms Parent teacher conferences are coming up here in our district (October). Pictured above are two forms I would always have during those confe...
Visual Seating Chart - Sub Idea For those of you who didn't read my September tech newsletter this was one of the fun suggestions I included for the early childhood tea...
Tech Newsletters - August and September Sorry for the delay in posting. Our district is rolling out 1-to-1 tablets and iPads to students in grades 3-8 and it has been a crazy start...