Happy New Year Foldable A friend of mine posted this foldable idea on Facebook through "WeAreTeachers" page and I loved, loved, loved it. The post directe...
How I Teach Writing - Video Here is a video that I made about how I teach writing. I was exploring how teachers can use videoscribing (tech technique - see explanatio...
Student Self Direction - Part II A few weeks ago I wrote about a teacher who uses student self direction learning in her class every Friday - http://sciencenotebooking.blog...
Student, Music, and Behavior The other day I taught an iPad science lesson with a group of eight graders. After the explanation and practice student were to work indepen...
"How to Make a Poster" Poster I made this poster a few year ago from book I got from my mother-in-law (who found it at a garage sale). Here is a link to the book on AMAZO...