ISTE Idea - #5 - 100 Word Challenge I saw this at a poster session and am very excited about getting some classrooms to try this 100 Word Challenge this coming year. In a nuts...
ISTE Idea - #6 - Shutterfly Photo Story in the Classroom This idea came from a Poster Session led by folks at Shutterfly. They have a Photo Story in the Classroom app for iPad and had several stud...
ISTE Idea - #7 - Padcaster This was by far the coolest "tech tool" on the Expo Hall. The tool is called The Padcaster and it turns your iPad into a video re...
ISTE Idea - #8 - Quizizz Kahoot! was the most popular and used tool this year for classroom assessment. Students and teachers loved it. When I was at ISTE one of the...
ISTE Idea - #9 - Mystery Skype Last year I did my first Mystery Skype in the Classroom. I did a Mystery Number Skype with two first grade classrooms in my district (second...